Connections Win Elections
Examples For Making The Connections
That Win Elections
The conversations below are from my Chit Chatting For Career Conversations blog.
Chit chatting with a wide variety of people
in a wide variety of situations
cultivates the confidence to create connections
with specific people in specific situations
for career conversations.
These are the people I know are working class. Some of the other conversations in that blog could be with working class people, but I have no way to be certain of that.
At the beginning of his career, President Lyndon Johnson connected with working class people in his life. He was opportunity observant.
President Donald Trump was opportunity observant as well. His rallies brought working class people into his presence. He went to at least 2 working class locations himself — a MacDonald’s and a garbage truck.
Anyone who discounts the importance of working class connections is opportunity oblivious.
Decide if you are opportunity observant or opportunity oblivious. Politically, it’s a win or lose choice.
People promote / vote for
people who are similar.
Worthwhile Conversations
Every conversation I’ve recorded on my blog post has been worthwhile in a variety of ways:
I had one horrifying conversation that was an eye opener and provided an example for the importance of always speaking positively about other people. You never know when you could be speaking negatively about someone to a person who knows that someone.
Chit chatting with a wide variety of voters
to demonstrate a wide variety of similarities
cultivates the confidence voters need
to vote for specific politicians
in political elections.
Self-Defense Need
February 2023
I took my grandson to the clerk of courts office for a document he needed. We had to pass through security.
I asked the security agent if he ever found anything.
“Yes. Empty ankle holsters.”
Note to self: Time for an online search about spotting ankle holsters.
January 7, 2025
Right Place
A new dental assistant was in her second week of training. I asked her how it was going.
She was enjoying the job. She worked as a server for 5 years, then decided she wanted to work in the dental field. She worked at a lab making and repairing dentures, then decided she wanted to work with people She’s very happy working with people.
I told New Dental Assistant that I was glad she found her place.
I said that too many people become doctors because their parents want them to be doctors, not because they want to be doctors. Those doctors aren’t good for patients. New Dental Assistant agreed with me. She wants to work with people in the dental field, so she’ll be good for patients.
Garden Center
Seeing Equality
May 5, 2023
I arrived at the garden center shortly after it opened for the day to buy big bags of soil. I made eye contact with both of the cashiers while saying I needed help getting the bags to my car. The cashier with Asian features helped me.
We had a conversation about the wide variety of people who come into the garden center sharing an interest in growing things. We agreed it would be beneficial to acknowledge that differences don’t matter when interests is shared.
Gas Stations
Frozen Car Door Solution
January 2, 2024
I drove to the gas station this morning, but couldn’t get gas. I forgot that recent freezing rain meant my gas door would be iced closed. I’d forgotten to put a spray bottle with alcohol in my car for freezing rain days. I spray the alcohol into the cracks around the door and wait a few moments. A neighbor had suggested alcohol for a frozen car door lock, and it worked with frozen car doors, too.
Going back this evening after warmer temperatures had thawed my gas door, I told the attendant about my failed gas run this morning.
Attendant nearly pulled his door handle off his car door after freezing rain. He had to crawl in through the passenger door until he could afford to fix his door handle.
I told him my alcohol in a spray bottle solution.
No more door handle replacements for him.
Something Instead of Nothing
July 3, 2024
I asked the clerk if she had to work on July 4th.
“Only in the morning.”
I asked if she would get holiday pay.
“I think they give gift cards.”
I said that least it was something.
“That’s what I thought.”
Grocery Stores
May 24, 2023
In a checkout line, I asked the decades younger man behind me if he plants anything. He rototills for a friend and enjoys the harvest.
I told Rototiller Man I hung an in door strawberry plant outside today.
We wished each other happy planting.
May 4, 2023
In a self-checkout section, I asked 1 of 2 young attendants about theft. She said it’s bad.
I told her about my experience as an employee in a small Chicago specialty shop. A white man in business attire shoplifted a small statue from Africa.
We agreed that shoplifters are not always who you think they are.
One Cashier
May 11, 2023
Only one cashier was checking out customers. I asked her if the store was short-staffed. Cashier said the store had reduced staff hours. A lot of employees wanted to earn money, but couldn’t get the schedules they needed to earn enough money to pay their bills.
I felt sad for all the employees who wanted to earn money to pay their bills, but couldn’t.
Tired Cashier
May 18, 2023
Walking into the store, a clerk asked me how I was. I said I was good because I had slept well. I asked if she had slept well.
No she hadn’t, but was getting off soon and would take a nap.
I wished her a good nap. Clerk thanked me.
Equality In Laughter
June 15, 2023
I sent a text while in the store. My iPhone changed ‘going to’ into ‘Giotto’ for some strange reason. Laughing, I approached a white female employee and a Black male employee to share the laughter.
White Female was closer, so I held my phone for her to see first. We laughed a bit while Black Male looked off to the side.
I made a point of holding my phone so Black Male could read the text himself. We also laughed a bit.
It was an easy way to demonstrate equality to the bystanders in the same aisle.
A Score For Smiles
July 1, 2023
In line at a small grocery store, I noticed a magazine cover with the face of Jackie Kennedy and a story about her secret life. Jackie Kennedy died in 1994.
The older female cashier rarely smiled at me, but I referred to the magazine cover and said it was written for people our age.
Older Female Cashier smiled AND chuckled then said,
“I noticed that. I wondered if they had a slow week.”
Got her to smile! SCORE!
A Floor Mat Not Doing Its Job
July 15, 2023
I walked into the grocery store where the unsmiling cashier finally smiled with me over a magazine cover. She watched me walk in and walk onto a floor mat.
“You nearly tripped on that mat. It has one job to do and it has trouble doing it. All it has to do
is stay flat on the floor, but it won’t.”
Laughing, I suggested training.
Formerly Unsmiling Cashier went from not smiling with me to smiling with me to joking with me!
Believing The Cashier
July 13, 2023
In the checkout line, I saw fruit flavored chocolate bars. I asked the cashier if he had tried them. He said he had, the chocolate was good, and he would check me out again if I went back for it.
I did go back for the chocolate, and I did go through Cashier’s line again.
“I’m believing you!”
“Thank you!”
Hair Colors
October 20. 2023
The cashier had corkscrew hair that was brown on the top half and dark pink on the bottom half.
I asked if she colors her own hair.
“I do.”
I asked if she going to try any other colors.
“Eventually, but I’m sticking with the dark pink for now.”
I told her it looks very good.
“Thank you.”
Brotherly Fun
February 09, 2024
A cashier had stand up hair on top of his head. It was colored a combination of orange and yellow.
I asked if he ever got negative comments about his hair.
“No, they’re mostly positive. Only my brother gives me trouble.”
I wondered if trouble was what he could expect from a brother.
He agreed.
Breaking Stereotypes
February 9, 2024
The family in front of me had a cart full of groceries. The big husky father stood behind the car, feeding the tiny child in the seat. The mother stood at the front of the cart, unloading everything.
I walked up to stand between the father and mother and to tell them how impressed I was to see the woman unloading the cart while the man fed the child.
They responded positively.
The Black male cashier said that teamwork mattered more than stereotyped roles.
No one was behind me, so Black Male Cashier told me how frustrated he was with the stereotype that Black fathers are absent.
His father worked for a railroad. His mother had her own daycare business in their house.
Father came home from his railroad job to cook dinner while Mother drove the daycare children home.
Teamwork instead of stereotyped roles.
Something In The Air
June 20, 2024
My purchases came to $20.39. I pulled out coins and a $20 bill. I counted through my coins and handed 39 cents to the young cashier. An older cashier stood by, obviously training Young Cashier. Young Cashier looked at the coins with confusion. I realized I hadn’t given her the $20 bill and handed it over.
“Sorry, I forgot I hadn’t given you the $20.”
Young Cashier looked confused in a new way.
“You don’t have to give me the 39 cents if you give me a $20.”
Training Cashier leaned over and said,
“She gave you the 39 cents because she wants a single bill back.”
We all laughed and I said,
“There’s something in the air that made us both lose our ability to think.”
We all laughed again.
Full Acceptance
December 21, 2024
A female employee wearing a beaded hijab stood near the exit door. I knew she was an employee because she wore an employee name tag.
I asked her if she’d experienced any stereotyping because of her hijab.
No. She moved to the United Stated 6 years ago. She applied for jobs in 3 cities, saying at every job interview:
“This is who I am. I am Muslim.”
All 3 companies hired her.
Her English was halting, but I could understand what she said to me. I told her I was very happy that she had experienced so much acceptance. She thanked and wished me Merry Christmas.
After leaving the store, I realized I hadn’t asked where she came from. But where she came from isn’t what matters. What matters is that she feels acceptance now that she is here. And she does.
Understanding Each Other’s Lives
June 20, 2024
Plumbers came to my house to fix a leak. I asked Older Plumber how many more jobs they had today. Three small ones, then a big one.
“Why do you ask?”
I said I was curious.
After they finished the job, I explained that I think the country would be more effective if we understood each other’s lives.
Older Plumber asked what kind of work I do. I said I was currently doing home healthcare, but was also setting up online self-study courses. I told both plumbers about my childhood spinal injury that made earning money difficult. I asked them to tell any children in their lives to never pull a chair out from under anyone. Some people are instantly paralyzed if they land the wrong way. Older Plumber said,
“You were lucky.”
I agreed.
More understanding, one chit chat conversation at a time.
Meat Market
Ending Water Retention
May 18, 2023
When I picked up my bi-weekly order of chicken thighs, a new employee asked me why I buy so many chicken thighs.
I explained that my stressful life had left me with water weight problems and water in my inner ears. Taurine in chicken thighs work with magnesium citrate from supplements and potassium from fruits and vegetables to release excess water from cells.
New Employee can now pass the information on to other customers, creating a little more happiness in the world.
I have lost water weight without dieting and my hearing has improved.
Medical Clinic
Best & Brightest
May 18, 2023
In the waiting room, I watched a news segment about a man who had installed 15 life vest kiosks along a river in Richland County, Wisconsin. A 5 year old girl not wearing a life vest had drowned in that river. Police have never pulled a body wearing a life jacket out of that section of the river.
I told the receptionist about this wonderful project. We agreed that the best and the brightest are ordinary.
Making Work Fun
Spring 2023
My neighborhood is building a low stone wall along our property line. I went out to see what the workers were doing. I said I was just curious and asked about some planks on the ground.
The man in charge came from the other side of the long hole to explain what the wood was for.
I asked them all if they enjoy their work.
One of the other workers said,
“If not for these two, it wouldn’t be any fun at all.”
I was happy to bring positive feelings between the coworkers into the open.
Fun At Work
December 15, 2023
I was at a neighbor’s house when his septic field was being replaced. I watched for a bit, then asked a worker if he considered his job fun.
“Oh, yes! I get to work outside!”
I observed that they get to dig things up.
“Oh, yeah! You can wreck a lot of things.”
Parking Lots
Dangerous Working Condition
August 2, 2024
As I was walking towards the grocery store, I passed a young man barely pushing 19 carts (I counted) towards the store. I asked him if he normally pushes that many carts.
“No. I’m only supposed to push 8.”
I asked him why he was pushing that many.
“Because we’re behind.”
I said I hoped he wouldn’t hurt himself.
I wrote a Google review for the store about the incident, saying that if I ever see it again, I will file a report with OSHA.
Post Office
March 26, 2024
The postal worker had tattoos on the front of her neck, a flower design like a necklace chain.
I asked what position she had to hold her head in to get that tattoo.
She had to think about it because she got that tattoo years ago. She rested her head far back.
I asked how long she had to hold that position.
As long as she could stand it.
I told her I liked her tattoo and she thanked me. We wished each other a good day.
Retail Stores
Caffeine Persona
January 11, 2024
The customer in front of me seemed to be having fun with the young man who was cashiering. He seemed to be having fun, too.
When it was my turn, I asked Cashier if he liked his job.
“I’ve had a lot of caffeine.”
I asked if he’d had a lot of caffeine because he didn’t get enough sleep the night before.
“I got good sleep…and I’ve had a lot of caffeine.”
I hope to checkout with Cashier again to see what he’s like without a lot of caffeine.
Enjoying Freckles
July 8, 2024
The young cashier had freckles all over her cheeks. I told her that when I was younger I had freckles just like hers. I said I miss them.
She loves her freckles, too.
“I hate it in the winter.”
I hoped her freckles could stay dark for her so she can continue to enjoy them.
German Shepherds
October 2, 2024
The woman in front of me in the checkout line had 3 huge bags of dog food in her cart. The cashier asked the customer what kind of dogs whe had. German shepherds. Cashier asked if her dogs had any health problems. Dog Owner said no. Cashier said every shepherd she knew about had health problems, including her own. Dog Owner said hers had none.
I asked Dog Owner where she got her dogs. From a breeder in Arizona who breeds dogs for police departments in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
I also asked how long the 3 bags of dog food would last. About a month.
Painted Nails
October 6, 2024
The sage citizen cashier had fingernails decorated with different Halloween designs. I admired them, saying I was pleased to see someone her age with decorated fingernails.
She said she has fun doing it. She has fun with her fingernail artist as well. He kept teasing her about “painting all of that” and “on all 10 nails” when she went to his salon.
Memory Lapse At Any Age
November 13, 2024
I walked up to a cashier in his 20s. Young Cashier asked how my day was going.
“I left my cell phone at home plugged into my computer to charge.”
Old Me asked Young Cashier how his day was going.
“I got confused. I worked on Monday, then went shopping yesterday. I came in today and was confused about whether I was supposed to work today.”
Now I have a story to tell when people stereotype me as a forgetful old woman.
Super Saturday Busier Than Black Friday
December 21, 2024
After the men wearing the same jackets left, I asked the cashier how she was doing, since it was the last Saturday before Christmas. She had just come on her shift and was busy, but would get a lunch break.
I said it looked busy.
She said that Super Saturday was busier than Black Friday had been.
I wished her an Merry Christmas when I left.
Black Friday Busier Than Super Saturday
December 21, 2024
At the next store, I asked the cashier how she was doing. It was steadily busy.
“I’m doing okay.”
I told her what the cashier at the other retail store said about Super Saturday being busier than Black Friday.
“Black Friday was busier here than today is.”
I wished her Merry Christmas, too.
Taste Buds
December 2, 2024
My friend and I sat at the bar. She ordered a sweet old-fashioned. Driver me drank apple juice.
I told the bartender that my friend and I both like sweet wine. I said I don’t have the taste buds for dry wine. I also said that people who are snooty about their wine tastes merely have the taste buds for dry wine.
Bartender said she doesn’t have the taste buds for dry wine either. She gets headaches from dry wine.
Thrift Stores
Colorful Word
April 18, 2024
I found capri pants that were a cross between blue and purple. I was looking for purple capri pants, but liked this color and knew it would look good with my green and purple blouse.
When I checked out I asked the cashier what color she thought the pants were.
I said I wouldn’t have thought of that word. I asked Cashier if she’s an artist.
“I try to be.”
Cashier is more of an artist than I am.
© Paula M. Kramer, 2024 to the present
All rights reserved.
Updated January 7, 2025.