Solutions For Success: G, H, I

Successful solutions for you to choose from or combine.

Some of the examples are for personal success.
Personal success increases your ability to create other successes.

Some examples are for understanding situations.
Understanding helps you choose effective solutions.

Some examples appear in more than one category.

Make your success more likely by following a path to spectacular success and
using the 26 ingredients for spectacular success.

Paula M. Kramer adds new examples as she finds them.



“Who’s crafting public policy? A push to diversify Capitol Hill staff.”
Christa Case Bryant
The Christian Science Monitor
February 8, 2022



Grieving Voices Podcast

“What To Say & What Not To Say To People Who Are Grieving”



3 Steps To Satisfaction Up / Mass Shootings Down

“Brazil Gun Buyback Exceeds Hopes”
Henry Chu
Los Angeles Times
October 25, 2004

“Innovative gun violence program saved many lives and millions of dollars, researchers find”
Abene Clayton
The Guardisan
April 16, 2021

“Live Today — Put It Away!”
Chuck Lovelace
Essential Shooting Supplies, LLC
For anyone



“Beauty Shop Health Outreach Project”
Get Healthy Clark County
November 7, 2019

The Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program

“Building Strong Health Systems”
Partners In Health

Golfers Against Cancer

Hospital Quality Initiative Public Reporting

“Live Today — Put It Away!”
Chuck Lovelace
Essential Shooting Supplies, LLC
For anyone


“The Lost Pleasures of Group Singing”
Brett & Kate McKay
Art of Manliness
December 17, 2019

Mayo Clinic




Homelessness / Houseless

“Opinion: How Houston’s homelessness breakthrough could be a national game-changer”
Marc Eichenbaum
Michael Nichols
No Date

“A Saint for the Homeless”
Cathy Free
Family Circle
April 1, 2003
“When you take care of their dogs, you really are taking care of them. For some homeless people, love from a pet is the only love they get,” says Pamela. “The other day I got a call about a homeless teenage boy with a kitten. He was crying because the kitten was sick. If paying for a veterinarian can help that boy you bet I’ll do it.”
“When you shake a homeless person’s hand, it might be the only time they are touched that week. There’s a spirit and a soul inside each person, and they want us to see that.”

Home Ownership

Home Defenders League


Human Trafficking

“Boys Sold by Trusted Villager Turned Human Trafficker”
Mehur Jaffer
Inter Press Service News Agency
January 28, 2022

“Power of Connection & Collaborations to Fight Modern-day Slavery”
Sania Farooqi
Inter Press Service News Agency
February 8, 2022

“Tap Community to Stop Human Trafficking, says Survivor”
Zadie Neufville
Inter Press Service News Agency
January 31, 2022


Ebony Horsewomen Inc.

“How a mosque gained a foothold in a resistant British town”
Peter Ford
The Christian Science Monitor
May 31, 2018

“Women of Winter inspires the downhill rush that uplifts — and diversifies”
Jodi Hausen
The Christian Science Monitor
March 22, 2023



Engineers Without Borders


International Agreements

“International Cooperation In The Arctic”


© Paula M. Kramer, 2023
All rights reserved.
Updated December 29, 2023.