Solutions For Success: J, K, L

Successful solutions for you to choose from or combine.

Some of the examples are for personal success.
Personal success increases your ability to create other successes.

Some examples are for understanding situations.
Understanding helps you choose effective solutions.

Some examples appear in more than one category.

Make your success more likely by following a path to spectacular success and
using the 26 ingredients for spectacular success.

Paula M. Kramer adds new examples as she finds them.



Global Press



“Advancing Victim’s Rights and Rebuilding Just Communities: Local Strategies for Achieving Reparation as a Part of Sustainable Development”
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
November 28, 2023

“How the meticulous bookkeeping of two sisters led to reparations for Black people across the country”
Theresa Vargas
The Washington Post
June 30, 2021

“The Justice and Reconciliation Process in Rwanda”
United Nations

“Parties to Final Agreement Agree Columbia Conflict Can Be Resolved by Addressing Land Distribution, Rural Development, Former Commanders Tells Security Council”
United Nations
April 13, 2023

“Your Brain on Trial”
Scott O. Lilienfeld
Robert Byron
Scientific American



“Unlocking Kindness. Creating Impact. Treasure Hunt Fundraiser”



“Iran on the verge of eradicating illiteracy”
Maryam Tavassoli
Tehran Times
August 13, 2023


© Paula M. Kramer, 2023
All rights reserved.
Updated December 29, 2023.