Solutions For Success: M, N, O

Successful solutions for you to choose from or combine.

Some of the examples are for personal success.
Personal success increases your ability to create other successes.

Some examples are for understanding situations.
Understanding helps you choose effective solutions.

Some examples appear in more than one category.

Make your success more likely by following a path to spectacular success and
using the 26 ingredients for spectacular success.

Paula M. Kramer adds new examples as she finds them.


Mass Shootings

3 Steps To Satisfaction Up / Mass Shootings Down



A Call to Men

“A Guide for Male Survivors of Domestic Violence”
Amanda Kippert
Domestic Shelters
October 13, 2021

“He is always there to listen”: friendships between young men are more than just beers and banter”
Damien Ridge
Alex Broom
The Conversation
May 9, 2023

“Sensitive Men: It’s Your Glass Ceiling Too”
Andrew O’Connell
Harvard Business Review
September 20, 2010

“Why Friendships Among Men Are So Important”
Jill Suttie
Greater Good Magazine
March 28, 2023



Any Soldier

Cell Phones For Soldiers

Fisher House


Moderation & Openness

“Saudi efforts to rid textbooks with extremist content bearing fruit”
The Arab Weekly
January 10, 2021


Natural Disasters

Glass Half Full

“Women’s leadership key to reducing disaster mortality”
Omar H. Amach
May 16, 2019

“Wildfires, hurricanes, and lessons on cooperation from Florida Panhandle”
Xander Peters
The Christian Science Monitor
August 10, 2022


Nature Reserves

“Erasing Stigmas: Women workers’ unique right, and an inclusive census”
5. Singapore
Nick Roll
The Christian Science Monitor
March 28, 2023



“German town tricks neo-Nazis into raising thousands of euros for anti-extremist charity”
Elena Cresci
The Guardian
November 18, 2014


Nonviolent Struggle

“Canvas Core Curriculum: A Guide To Effective Nonviolent Struggle”
Srdja Popovic, Slobofan Djinovic, Andrej Millivojevic, Hardy Merriman



APO Island Marine Sanctuary

“Recent Developments in Pacific Tuna Fisheries: The Palau Arrangement and the Vessel Day Scheme”
Transform Aqorau
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law
September 2009

“Thy the high-fives for a high seas treaty”
Editorial Board
The Christian Science Monitor
March 9, 2023


© Paula M. Kramer, 2023
All rights reserved.
Updated December 22, 2023.