Solutions For Success: P, Q, R

Successful solutions for you to choose from or combine.

Some of the examples are for personal success.
Personal success increases your ability to create other successes.

Some examples are for understanding situations.
Understanding helps you choose effective solutions.

Some examples appear in more than one category.

Make your success more likely by following a path to spectacular success and
using the 26 ingredients for spectacular success.

Paula M. Kramer adds new examples as she finds them.



“‘It takes a village’: Are ‘mommunes’ the secret to single parenting?”
David Oliver
Callie Carmichael
Ariana Triggs
USA Today
June 2, 2023



“Blissful are Kenya’s peacemakers”
Monitor’s Editorial Board
The Christian Science Monitor
August 16, 2022

“Columbia’s disarming compassion”
Monitor Editorial Board
The Christian Science Monitor
January 3, 2023

“From IRA to Islamists, former radicals unite to become a force for peace”
Deepa Bharath
The Christian Science Monitor
March 6, 2016

“How humility won Colombia’s peace deal”
Monitor’s Editorial  Board
The Christian Science Monitor
August 25, 2016

Women Wage Peace


Planet Earth

How Happy Is The Planet?



“National Poetry Month: This library quenches the thirst for verse”
Dua Anjum
The Christian Science Monitor
April 11, 2023



“‘Whole Life Cycle of Plastics’ Approach Could Reduce Pollution – WWF Expert”
Samira Sadeque
Inter Press Service News Agency
February 8, 2022



Poverty Action Lab

Coalition of Immokaee Workers

Talk Poverty



“A lab of their own: How Fukushima moms led charge for radiation data”I
Takehiko Kambayashi
The Christian Science Monitor
March 10, 2023


“Seoul to compensate Japan wartime forced labour victims”
The Times Of India
March 6, 2023



“Free life vest kiosks installed along the Wisconsin River”
Jon Fuller
Spectrum News 1
May 18, 2023


© Paula M. Kramer, 2023
All rights reserved.
Updated December 11, 2023.