Solutions For Success: S, T, U

Successful solutions for you to choose from or combine.

Some of the examples are for personal success.
Personal success increases your ability to create other successes.

Some examples are for understanding situations.
Understanding helps you choose effective solutions.

Some examples appear in more than one category.

Make your success more likely by following a path to spectacular success and
using the 26 ingredients for spectacular success.

Paula M. Kramer adds new examples as she finds them.



Folded Map Action Kit



“Can Binaural Beats Help You Fall Asleep?”
Jay Summer
Sleep Foundation
September 25, 2023



“In baseball’s new rules, sacrifice flies”
The national pastime will pitch artistry over analytics, team play over individual glory.
Monitor’s Editorial Board


“In This Youth Baseball League, Fans Who Mistreat Umpires Are Sentenced to Do the Job Themselves”
Dan Gelston
NBC New York


“Oklahoma City’s MAPS Is A Public Works Lesson For Other Cities”
Scott Beyer
Market Urbanism Report
December 19, 2018



“‘Open G’ Is First Indigenous Smart Phone That Can Do This”
African Vibes
August 26, 2022



“How is Europe countering radical Islam?”
Peter Ford
Sara Miller Llana
The Christian Science Monitor
February 18, 2015

“In war on terror, an expanding citizens’ brigade”
Sara B. Miller
The Christian Science Monitor
August 13, 2004

“Journalist Murad Kotkot is one of many who grew up with Mr. Hajjaj’s cartoons, and was inspired to become a cartoonist himself. “Emad Hajjaj taught me that cartoons were the fastest way to deliver a message. It was a universal language that could speak to my community,” he says.”
“‘Our right to dream’: Why Emad Hajjaj draws on in spite of threat of arrest”
Taylor Luck
The Christian Science Monitor
March 13, 2023


“Dancing Zebras in the Streets of La Paz”
Johnny Magdaleno
February 33, 2017

Safe Road Maps

Vision Zero Hoboken



Transportation Independence

World Bicycle Releif


Tribal Lands

“Chief Almir and the Surui tribe of the Amazon”

“How an Amazon Tribe Used Google to Save Their Land”
Barbara Kantrowitz
Reader’s Digest
October 7, 2022


Urban Farms & Gardens

“How an Argentine City Turned Its Urban Spaces Into Farms and Markets”
Tony Frangie Mawad
June 29, 2021

“How Tokyo’s Farms Have Survived for Centuries”
Klaus Sieg
Reasons To Be Cheerful
March 10, 2023

“This Chicago Couple Turns Vacant Lots into Flower Farms, Employs Local Youth as Florists: ‘There’s Hope’
Wendy Grossman Kantor
People Magazine
November 30, 2022

Wasatch Community Gardens

“‘Without it, I might be dead’: the garden that saves lives”
Constance Malleret
Positive News
Ma 23, 2022


© Paula M. Kramer, 2023
All rights reserved.
Updated December 15, 2023.